Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My own 911

As I was reflecting on the 911 tragedy of six years ago, remembering where I was and how I and every other American felt that we had been violated by this attack on our home. That got me thinking about my own home and the people who, under the guise of 'helping' me save my home during a difficult time, have also made me feel violated. I am in no way trying to down play what happened to our nation as a whole. Just point out that a nation is the sum total of its individual citizens. Many of us, most of us in fact were not personally impacted by the actual events six years ago, but as citizens, as Americans, every single one of us was affected. It made us realize that at any given time any one of us could be a target. How sad is it that we not only have to worry about threats from foreign venues but from people who are fellow Americans, who live on our native soil, often in our own state, our home town. Historically in every war, every disaster or tragedy, there are those who loose out and those who benefit. The people who benefit are the ones with vision who see how to turn misfortune into a fortune. The difference between an entrepreneur and a fraud is that one makes his money by providing people with a beneficial product or service and the other gets rich taking advantage of people by creating the illusion of benefit, when in fact he never intends anyone to profit but himself. While there are swindlers everywhere, my focus here is on the robber barons of real estate. The Gurus who teach other people to ignore or twist existing laws to suit their purpose. They rely on the inability of their victims to pursue them and the complexity of our legal systems to cover their indiscretions. Their targets are carefully chosen from people with financial difficulties and homes that have a reasonable amount of equity. In our case the value of our home had almost doubled from the purchase price. Through the guru’s “interpretation” of various laws and statutes they believe they can ‘legally’ acquire people’s homes which they either sell for a substantial profit or rent for continued income. The results are that a lot of hard working cash poor families become displaced in a very cruel and devastating way.
I may be cash poor, but I am first last and always an American and I refuse to give in to any kind of injustice regardless of where it comes from. As part of my personal 911 I again want to encourage anyone else out there who has been victimized in a real estate trust scam to contact me. If we share our information we CAN bring these people down.
Six years ago, each of us said with one voice, I am an American, I won’t tolerate someone threatening my home and I won’t give up without a fight. Will you join me today as I, an American, stand against this resident threat to our homes?

I won’t give up without a fight! Will you?

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