Monday, September 17, 2007

Creative = Deceptive?

When did the word 'Creative' become synonymous with deception? In some cases it isn't even as subtle as deception it's outright illegal. I looked up Creative and found it was equal to words like Imaginative, Resourceful, Inventive, Productive and Inspired. These words all seem to imply positive helpful and constructive qualities. Deception, on the other hand relates to Scam, Scheme, Con, Swindle, Racket, Cheat and Fraud. That last group of words doesn’t sound very inspiring does it?
Lately we’ve been bombarded with a plethora of ‘Creative’ services and ventures. Creative marketing, Creative financing, Creative investing…Granted most of the questionable ideas revolve around the Real Estate scene. But ultimately doesn’t it really all come down to money and how to make ones self wealthy?
I guess the ‘Creative’ part comes in when some imaginative, resourceful and inventive individual discovers a loophole, flaw or inconsistency in an existing law.
By carefully manipulating or interpreting the wording of the law they manage to pervert the intent of that law to suit their own purposes. Unfortunately for the people they victimize it may take quite some time before justice catches up with these ‘Creative’ thinkers. As some one who has been on the victim side of one of these schemes I can tell you it isn’t very pleasant to learn your trust has been abused by someone who not only wants to profit from your misfortune but wants to take it all and leave you with less than you started out with.
There is a fine line between what’s legitimate and what’s questionable from not only a legal but possibly more importantly a moral standpoint.
Most of us want to make money and live a comfortable life. When you get involved in any kind of money making venture make sure to ask your self what the real cost will be.

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